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Victorious is a relatively new festival in my home town which happens every year, now on the glorious Southsea Seafront.

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The festival is a one weekend, non camping kinda festival which has a selection of brilliant live music across multiple stages. Due to it’s location a ticket will also include free entry to the Seafront Attractions which include D- Day museum, Southsea Castle & Southsea Skate Park. There is also a huge free kids area to keep the youngsters entertained (a sure sign that everyone’s growing up and having babies) as well as lots of bustling markets stalls, real ale tents and a selection of bars and catering vans.

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Over the last few years the boys behind the festival have been working hard to grow it and it’s getting better and better each year…

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The addition of the World Music Village this year was our favourite! It’s where we spent most of our time. It was full of the best and quirkiest folk, hippies, the snazziest mini dancers, best food and colourful decorations.

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Not being drunk or ‘young’ we much preferred the smaller acoustic stages rather then the main stages…

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Throughout the day we could be found sat on the ground (yay for no rain) in front of the RMA Tavern stage, Rhino AV Acoustic stage or the world music stage.

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The food was also amazing this year and we enjoyed some top notch nosh (try saying that three times quickly ha)

As the sun began to set we enjoyed a bit of bangra dancing, a few bigger stages and the general late night festival vibes….

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One thing we particularly enjoyed was the wishing tree! We saw it earlier in the day and it was super pretty with wishes hung amongst the branches… Amongst the serious ones for a loved ones health, world peace and good weather all weekend there were a few amusing ones, Our fave being a Harry Potter esq wish (which let’s be honest we’d all kinda like that wish to come true)

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So there you have it! Another year… Roll on next year already!!

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